Articles & Interviews

Ready for some cold hard facts about hotels?
(Submitted by G. Angelini for the WIT (Web In Travel) January 2018 Ready for some cold hard facts about hotels? Angelini serves them with dollops of humour and tips09/01/2018, by WIT, in Featured, Marketing, Sectors, Social Veteran hotelier Giovanni Angelini...
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Hotel Investments of the Future
(TTG Asia, posted on Nov. 22, 2017) By TTG Asia / Posted on 22 November, 2017 10:24 Giovanni Angelini, founder, Angelini Hospitality, and former CEO and managing director of Shangri-La Hotels & Resorts, looks at the evolution of hotel investments...
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It is time to look beyond the hotel walls to reimagine the future of hospitality
It’s time to look beyond the hotel walls to reimagine the future of hospitality Giovanni Angelini: The hospitality industry is in the midst of one of the most dramatic periods of change in its history. All indicationsare that in the...
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Cinque consigli per non perdere terreno (Italian Language)
(Submitted by G. Angelini for L’Almanacco di Job & Tourism) January 2017 STRATEGIEJob in Tourism Milano Cinque consigli per non perdere terreno Come evitare errori e cattive abitudini nella gestione operativa di una struttura alberghiera di Giovanni AngeliniGennaio 2017 La mentalità...
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Web in Travel (WIT) Hospitality 2016, Hong Kong Conference March 22, 2016
(By G. Angelini, Hong Kong) A – FROM YEOH SIEW HOON (ORGANIZER) How not to be a sitting duck, “Reboot” at WIT Hospitality In between evening walks, painting and writing, I’ve been preparing the content for our first WIT Hospitality...
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Gli hotel? Sempre più tecnologici (Italian Language)
(Submitted by G. Angelini for L’Almanacco di Job & Tourism) June 2015 TRENDSJob in Tourism Gli hotel? Sempre più tecnologici L’evoluzione delle innovazioni high-tech applicate all’industria dei viaggi e dell’ospitalità di Giovanni Angelini (6-2015) Il tema della tecnologia applicata all’industria...
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Olta: meglio amiche che nemiche (Italian Language)
(Submitted by G. Angelini for L’Almanacco di Job & Tourism) May 2015 STRATEGIEJob in Tourism Olta: meglio amiche che nemiche Prosegue il viaggio nel futuro dell’hotellerie: le agenzie online tra le tappe del giorno di Giovanni Angelini (5-2015) Se l’unica...
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L´unica costante è il cambiamento (Italian Language)
(Submitted by G. Angelini for L’Almanacco di Job & Tourism) April 2015 STRATEGIEJob in Tourism L´unica costante è il cambiamento Tra evoluzioni e rivoluzioni, come districarsi nella giungla dei trend emergenti dell’hôtellerie di Giovanni Angelini (4-2015) «Mantenersi al passo coi...
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China Watch: Stormy Weather Before Rainbow
(Submitted by Giovanni Angelini, retired CEO of Shangri-La Hotels & Resorts and Founder of the Hong Kong based Angelini Hospitality for the 2016 Hotel Yearbook) Economy, ambition and behavior; "Short term pains for long term gains"...... Recent news on the...
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Gli scenari futuri dell´hôtellerie internazionale (Italian Language)
(Submitted by G. Angelini for L’Almanacco di Job & Tourism) September 2014) STRATEGIEJob in Tourism  Milano Gli scenari futuri dell´hôtellerie internazionale Le prossime evoluzioni della domanda alberghiera tra cambiamenti e tendenze immutabili di Giovanni Angelini (9-2014) Non c’è solo la...
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