Leadership & Opportunities

Potentials of our people
(GA 2010) First and most important we, and all our people, must fully understand what we sell in our industry: (sleep & food) and to whom we sell it to. Secondly, we also must understand who will do these personalized...
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Invest in human capital during difficult times
(GA 2010) How many times we have met and talked at length about market position, use of new technology, attractive advertising, segmentation management, distribution, source of business and other revenue generating opportunities. But after all those meetings and the discussions,...
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Repeat customer recognition programme
(GA 2011) (For non-branded, non-chain’s affiliated hotels and as supplement tocorporate loyalty programmes as appropriate) In many stances, the success of an hotel is based on the number of repeat customers that the hotel is able to build up and...
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Responding to the present 2009-2012 global financial crisis
(GA 2009) The present global financial & economic crises will help us to do “more with less” in the future and an opportunity to reengineer processes, structures and how we deal with our internal and external customers.The crisis will bring...
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Behavior: 10 patterns for success
(GA 2010) Speech Given to Graduating Hotel School Students This message is for the graduating students: Many of you are on the threshold of entering the hospitality industry, and no doubt you are set on the pathway leading to success....
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Leadership: The hotel General Manager
(GA 2011) Workshop with Future Hotel General Managers Leaders are made and not born.  Leaders are distinguished by what they do, and what they inspire other people to do, and not by their genes, their looks, their credentials, or their...
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Setting the basics: Creating Vision, Mission and Strategies
(GA 2010) One of the most important skills for a leader is the ability to translate the company vision, mission and strategies into actions. Vision is a short statement of the desired future.  It is the primary means for communicating...
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The CEO challenges in the hospitality industry
(GA 2011) If the hotel General Manager is the “orchestra” conductor of the hotel, the company CEO is the conductor of the whole company and his primary responsibility is to assure that every member of the organization play his /...
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The hotel (a 24 hrs’/365 days’ performing orchestra)
(Jan. 2011) (Hotels never close down; they operate 24 hours a day, 365 days per year.) The conductor of this “orchestra” is the hotel General Manager, the players are the employees and the audiences are the hotel customers. Like an...
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Quality assurance in the hospitality industry
(GA 2012) A  –   Part One : General Principles for Quality Assurance and Culture in the Hospitality Industry (Hotels) Quality assurance can only be implemented effectively in properties who have support from the top, have adequate resources, and have...
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